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Friday, December 4, 2009

Veterans Essay

When is the right time to honor our military heroes? Every second in a minute, every minute in a hour, every hour in a day, and every day in a year. Take a minute and put yourself in their shoes. Imagine how hard it is to leave your family behind and go to a foreign country, and for what? To protect people you don’t even know? It takes a lot of bravery to be in the military, and we, in the United States, need to stop taking these kind, generous people for granted.

Training for the military is very intense, and you have to be strong and determined to get through it. One large training facility is the NTC, otherwise known as the National Training Camp, located in Fort Irwin, California. Soldiers learn how to react to suicide bombings, riots, and cultural clashes within two weeks of training. Soldiers are attacked by “enemies” with gunpowder and challenges from all over the world, and the trainees have to defend themselves and defeat the enemy. Other things they do is going through brutal work outs, and get pushes by even more brutal sergeants.

I personally know someone who was in the military. He is married to one of my moms best friends from high school, Andrea. His name is Kevin. He went to Iraq about four of five years ago, and soon after arriving, he received a letter saying that he wife was pregnant. Luckily he made it home safe and sound, but he did not get to meet his daughter until she was just over a year old. There are many happy stories of soldiers returning home to their families, but there are also tons and tons of sad stories. Some people suffer from the loss of a family member that went to Iraq or any other country besides our own, and lost their life. It’s time to step up and help families in need and notice the people who help support our country.

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